
Early learning activity programme

for ages 2-6

Give your pre-school child a flying start with intelligence-building activities and games that are fun to do together.

FUNdamentals is a unique online programme that gives you a collection of games and activities that create exactly the rich environment needed to develop a bright and happy child.

It’s an invaluable tool to raise a child with ‘rounded’ abilities, who is able to read, write and understand basic number concepts even before going to school.
FUNdamentals encourages the development of a rich vocabulary, creativity, high self-esteem and good thinking skills.

You will have unlimited online access to over 1,000 activities for ages 2 to 6. They are presented in easy-to-follow screens like this.

See ACTIVITY OF THE DAY - Writing his own name
See MEMORY ACTIVITY - The cup game
See CREATIVE ACTIVITY - Magic picture

The scientific basis of FUNdamentals

Every child is born with billions of brain cells. But their potential capacity is only turned into usable intelligence after these cells are connected up with each other.

The connections become the pathways for all of your child’s future learning. It is a rich, stimulating and fun environment in the critical early years that forms these connections – and therefore develops brain capacity. That’s where FUNdamentals comes into play.

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“Circuits in different regions of the brain mature at different times. Give your children the stimulation and fun they need when they need it and anything’s possible.” Newsweek magazine

“Optimising experiences in the early years is the best investment you can make for future success” Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development

Making the most of the time you spend together

FUNdamentals is based on the best advice from the world’s top child experts including Harvard University’s concept of Multiple Intelligences, as well as Piaget and Montessori.

There are hundreds of games and activities to fill countless hours with fun yet ‘purposeful play’, turning even shopping trips or car journeys into entertaining and brain-building experiences.

Keeping young pre-schoolers occupied and engaged can be a challenge.
This is the perfect solution for every busy parent.

FUN times that provide mental stimulation and develop new skills.

Just some of the hundreds of ‘flying start’ games to develop skills

25 games for Creativity

From Visual Thinking to 
Shape Collage

18 games for Concentration and Musical Ability

From Hunt the Sound to 
Moving to Music

14 games for a Rich Vocabulary

From Grandmother’s Cat to 
World Traveller

21 games for Acute Senses

From Helicopter Spin 
to Identify Nature Sounds

24 games for Logical Thinking

From Odd One Out 
to What Comes Next

11 games for Memory

From Mental Hide and Seek 
to The Cup Game

Including printable Montessori-style number rods and Number Grids

53 games for Early Numeracy

From Animal Adding to Spoof

Including scores of word cards and games to print out

38 games for Early Reading

From Phonic Fun to Word Bingo

Includes printable shape guides

17 games for Early Writing

From Back Writing to Word Jigsaw


From the home page you can select games and activities to develop:

Rich vocabulary • Creativity • Self-esteem • Pre-reading and reading • Memory skills • Full range of senses • Understanding numbers • Musical ability • Responsibility • Writing and pre-writing

The programme even tracks the games you have played and suggests new ones that are age appropriate.

See ACTIVITY - Reading - Alphabet cookies

Recommended by experts – and thousands of parents

The philosophy behind FUNdamentals

The underpinning foundations of the pyramid are the love, security and fun that you provide for your child. The pyramid blocks are then built up step by step on those foundations.

We like to visualise a child's early development as a set of foundation stones and building blocks.

Click on the pyramid to see how each block contributes to a happy, loving, rounded child, and how FUNdamentals Online helps you develop all of them. Go to FUNdamentals Early Learning Pyramid.


4 years of fun and skill-building playAll for just £19.95