The philosophy behind FUNdamentals
We like to visualise a child's early development as a set of foundation stones and building blocks.
The underpinning foundations of the pyramid are the love, security and fun that you provide for your child. The pyramid blocks are then built up step by step on those foundations.


The ability to store and recall information can be greatly aided by simple tips learned early in life. A good memory is a vital building block for success.
Here is a simple guide to developing a good memory:
We remember things more easily if we can see, touch, taste, smell and feel it and have someone tell us its name and a little about it – the brain appears to organise itself by linking. If we think of cats we also link to words such as tiger, kitty, paws, stalking etc. So learning the connectivity of things is a key skill. We remember well when we’re emotionally involved – we remember better when we are not stressed, so a welcoming environment helps the emotional part of the brain transfer information to the long-term memory. Combining words and music aids memory – it's easier to remember the words of a song if you can hear the tune. This is why poetry and rhymes are so important. We offer a full range of memory activities including online interactive games.

- Stop occasionally and ask “What do you think will happen next?”. Use prompts such as "because"… and make the story interactive.
- Re-read stories and pause before the key word, Jack and the ……! Let them fill in the gaps.
- Summarise the story and ask simple questions at the end. “What did Jack use to chop down the beanstalk?”

- Children can literally explode into writing, virtually without any instruction, if they have the right equipment and activities to develop pre-writing ability.
- They find writing easier because they are expressing their own thoughts, while in reading they have to understand the thoughts of others.
- How you write – The physical ability to control a pencil or crayon and later use them in a flowing text.
- What you write – The ability to put thoughts on paper.
- Getting it right – The ability to spell, punctuate and link sentences to make sense.

- Feeling loved, without reservation, for what she is, not simply for what she achieves.
- Success in reaching goals he sets himself. A feeling of accomplishment.
- The positive encouragement he receives – particularly from parents.

- Plenty of fruit and vegetables – and a diet including plenty of beans, peas, broccoli, carrots, berries and rice as well as pulses and wheat bread to provide the iron and zinc. Zinc based foods help develop memory and iron is needed for cell growth.
- Plenty of fish and fish oil – These are great brain food and also develop the body’s immune system.
- A diet high in potassium – Half a banana a day each will provide both you and your child with the correct intake. Potassium provides the protective coating on the brain's pathways. These can transmit up to 12 times faster with the correct coating than without.

Love and security are the basis for progression and self esteem. Without the feelings of love and safety your child will not be able to enjoy the activities and ideas which we offer for you to share together.

4 years of fun and skill-building play - All for just £14.95
That’s less than 1p a day!!!