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NEW! Delay Ageing by Colin Rose


What if getting older didn’t mean getting ill?

Researchers into ageing at universities like Cambridge, Oxford, University College London in the UK, and Harvard Medical School and Berkeley in the US, have – over the last decade – come to a startling conclusion.

There are ten biological processes, common to all of us, that underly ageing. If they are not counteracted, ‘age related diseases’ develop – dementia, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer.

BUT each one of these aging processes can be slowed, delayed, or in some cases even stopped or reversed.

The result is to delay ageing. If you delay ageing, you automatically cut the risk of the diseases that ageing triggers. And you increase your health-span – the years you stay healthy.

Written by Colin Rose in a clear and approachable style for a general audience, this book reveals what YOU can do to DELAY AGEING
  • The 10 fundamental causes of ageing and how each one can be overcome.
  • How to turn on genes that repair damaged DNA.
  • How immune systems can be strengthened to fight disease – whatever your age.
  • How to protect your brain as you get older.
  • How to lower both blood pressure and blood sugar levels – key threats to longevity.
  • How your microbiome affects ageing – and how to ensure a healthy gut.
  • How to disconnect biological from chronological ageing.

Delay AGEING: Healthy to 100
Colin Rose
Cover price £12.99

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Delay Ageing book by Colin Rose

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Accelerated Learning
Colin Rose

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The book that started it all! With over 300,000 copies sold in over ten different languages, Colin Rose’s original book is as relevant as ever.

It examines the origins of Accelerated Learning, defines the principles that have underpinned the worldwide movement ever since and gives proof of its effectiveness.

The book includes one of the clearest summaries of how memory works and the role of memory aids and music in Accelerated Learning.

Learning CHAMPS
Colin Rose

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A4 format full-colour guidebook detailing the CHAMPS learning to learn system devised by Colin Rose.

This book takes 10-16 year-olds through each step of the programme:

  • Confident to learn
  • Home in on the facts
  • Action!
  • Memorise
  • Prove you know
  • Sit back and think

FUNdamentals Guidebook
Colin Rose & Gordon Dryden

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The book that shows how parents can put in place the building blocks to raise a brighter, happier child.

It covers the foundation pre-school years from 18 months to 6 years, describing how children develop and learn, and what parents can do to help that early education.

Activities are described which cover all the aspects of early learning - from promoting self-esteem to developing memory and concentration; from fostering creativity and curiosity to laying the basis for the three Rs - reading, writing and maths.

Health Defence
Dr Paul Clayton

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No subject is more important than your health and we have been privileged to publish the best book we have ever seen on maintaining your health. The author is Dr Paul Clayton. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine a doctor of pharmacology and a former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government's Committee on the Safety of Medicines.

The Mind and Body Diet Manual
Colin Rose


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The Mind and Body Diet Manual helps you make a permanent change in both attitudes and patterns of eating. We deal sympathetically with the real life challenges that slimmers face — not just the surface problems.

For example, the issue of 'Mood Food': the food you eat not for nutrition or energy, but because you are tired, or bored, or fed up, or angry, or depressed, or lonely. It's only when you learn how to deal with 'Mood Food' that you have a long term solution!


What people say about Accelerated Learning

“Highly motivating – I have found nothing better.”
Ian Milward, Educational Psychologist, London

“It’s really improving the educational experience for our boys.”
Graham Able, Former Headmaster, Dulwich College, London

“Students using Accelerated Learning are racing ahead”
UK Daily Mail newspaper