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The two most basic skills of all

At Accelerated Learning, we have developed a range of products that will help any student acquire the two most important skills of all.

The ability to learn any subject effectively and quickly, and to retain what they have learned.

This is a key to improved school success, and raising students' confidence and achievement.

In today's fast-paced world, what students learn can become outdated. But how to learn is a skill that will last them a lifetime. It is surely the underpinning skill for coping with the speed and complexity of the 21st century.

Yet until now schools have had neither the time or materials to teach this skill. They teach what – but rarely how.

The CHAMPS programme fills that gap. It is suitable for all ages from 10 (Yr. 5/grade 4) to 16 (Yr. 10/grade 9). These are the years where it is vital that children begin to develop independent learning skills.




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